pills and a tube

A Quick Guide to Using SARMs for Muscle Gain

SARMs are considered as a much safer alternative to steroids for muscle gain. With this drug, you can get all the desired benefits, like fast muscle growth, fat loss, and improved strength without having to be concerned with testosterone suppression, but with some notes, of course. The potential for abuse and harm still exists with SARMs. Therefore, read this quick guide first before you use them. 

The Legal Status of SARMs

SARMs may be safe, but in reality, authorities like FDA, EMA, and ASADA considers SARMs as illegal for personal use. These drugs are only legally available for laboratory experiments and studies. Knowing this, you’d rather avoid SARMs at all costs if you plan to join a sports competition. You may find some testimonies online that claimed there wouldn’t be any traceable chemicals from SARMs. You’d better not to trust them. Check the case of Ricky Garard’s to learn the truth. 


Are You Safe to Take SARMs?

doctor's hospitalityIf you have any of these medical conditions listed below, you are not allowed to take SARMs:

  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Currently pregnant
  • Prostatitis
  • Testosterone suppression

Highlight the last point. SARMs are not you alternative to steroid after you get diagnosed with testosterone suppression. 

SARMs and Their Use

bulked up dudeThere are many types of SARMs: Ligandrol, Ostarine, Testolone, and YK11. The first three have the same purpose, which is to boost your muscle gain in the shortest time possible. YK11 is unique because many users have reported that it is the strongest among the four, and it can even increase your bone density. 

Ligandrol, Ostarine, and Testolone are taken in a cycle of 8 or 12 weeks with 10 or 20 mg per day. After a cycle, you should take PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) to prevent your natural testosterone production from messing up. But for YK11, you have to take it twice a day with a dose of 5 or 10 mg per injection. And the cycle for this must not be longer than 8 weeks. If this is your first time, make your cycle no more than 6 weeks. 

Document Your Conditions

You have to document everything you go through during your SARM cycle so that you can get help fast if anything goes wrong. Note the time of the injection, how many milligrams are there, and how long the effect lasts. If you stack your SARMs, include it on your note. Share this information if you ever need medical attention.

man cycling

Why You Should be Cycling Often

Biking can be a great way of enjoying your free time. It also makes communicating easy and rewarding in many ways. If you are contemplating whether to be an active cyclist or not, this article shares several health benefits offered by cycling. From improved cardiovascular health to muscular toning, these benefits should convince you to take up cycling.

Here are some health benefits offered by cycling.

cycling coupleToned Muscles

Cycling engages a lot of body muscles. Your thighs, for instance, get toned when you are continually peddling. Other parts of the body such as the arms, back, and core, also get toned in the process. Simple cycling around the neighborhood after work or riding to work is enough to get your muscles tones. But you always enjoy more gains by cycling in hilly or rugged terrains.

Improved Cardiovascular Health

Cycling is an aerobic activity. This means that cycling often or fast gets your heart pumping more quickly than it usually does. This means that the muscles in your heart are exercised or pushed to their limit., which makes them stronger and healthier. Improved cardiovascular function is essential to healthy living and wading off some common lifestyle ailments.

Wards Off Diabetes

Diabetes affects millions of people today. Besides just being a life-threatening ailment itself, it also puts you at risk of other diseases such as skin disease, kidney failure, stroke, or heart attacks. Cycling, like any other physical activity, plays a crucial role in controlling diabetes, considering that high levels of metabolism use the glucose in your system. Reduces glucose concentration levels is essentials in managing or possible treatment of diabetes.

Good for Stress and Anxiety Management

mountain bikingCycling can be a fun way of breaking away from everyday stressors. The fact that you can have some fun while cycling has been shown to help individuals struggling with stress. Riding on the woods, on the other hand, brings you closer to nature which also helps in bringing stress levels down. If you or someone you know is suffering from a stress-related disorder, you can always recommend biking as an alternative treatment.

The key to enjoying cycling is, of course, to buy a quality bike. Thus, it is imperative for anyone planning to take up biking to invest in a quality bike. With the variety out there, making the right call can be tough for a first-time buyer.…