a lean female

2019 has already passed its fourth month, and yet none of your new year resolutions has come into realization. And if you are like most people, fitness goals are usually on your last year’s new year list. However, you’ve got 8 months to go, and it has not been too late to start eating right and exercise properly. Below are three health tips to help you get in shape fast. Read thoroughly!

Manage Your Nutrients

measuring a slice of breadAs a matter of fact, nutrients are often the most undermined subject among people who want to get in shape. They think that by beating themselves up with intense workouts alone can get them the sculpted body they’ve wanted. In reality, such a mindset will bring only harms to your body. If you eat inadequately, muscle atrophy, excessive fatigues, episodic cramps, and injuries are several risks that you will face.

Do not fear carbohydrates! Carbo is the nutrient you need to keep your muscles working. However, some people are genetically designed to store too much carbo by turning it into fat in their body. In this case, you must get yourself the best fat burners to prevent your metabolism from hoarding unwanted fat cells.

Workout Effectively

runningIntensity and consistency are two spirits that you must have on your mind. Allocating one day for three hours of working out is not a wise decision. In fact, if you plan to do an intense workout without consistency, you only put yourself at risk of injuries. It is better if you schedule five days, 1 hour each, for your exercise.

Not all exercises will fit you. First, you have to know if you are overweight or not by calculating your BMI (Body Mass Index). If you are overweight, then you should prioritize cardio workouts, such as running, swimming, cycling, and hiking. If you do not have the time or do not like outdoor exercises, then you should try gym workouts designed for cardio, such as CrossFit, HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), or TRX workouts.

Get Quality Rest

Without quality rest and sleep, your workouts can harm you. Fatigues weaken your immune system and make you vulnerable to both bacterial and viral infection. Besides, if you exercise in a gym, you are exposing yourself to millions of disease-causing bacteria and viruses. Therefore, if you feel unwell, you’d be better to spend your time resting at home.

As for your sleep, you will see how working out can improve its quality. However, you should pay attention to your comforts in your bedroom. Check your blanket, pillows and see if you need to replace them. If necessary, you can also buy scented candles to improve your relaxation and relieve your stress.